Launch meeting of the ‘Digital Spatial Humanities’ working group


Launch meeting of the ‘Digital Spatial Humanities’ working group of the GDR CNRS MAGIS.

It is a pluri-disciplinary group of researchers from different fieds such as computer science, geography, history, linguistics, archaeology, etc.
The main actions will focus on meetings, discussions, tutorials and workshops organisation dealing with

  • Extraction of geographic information from texts : TAL, data mining, machine learning, semantic web, …
  • Development and release of linguistic and data resources (text corpora, historical gazetteers, etc.) with a perspective of reusability.
  • Visualization, cartographic representations and spatial analysis based on textual sources from social sciences and humanities.
  • Design of tools dedicated to textual data compatible with GIS (including historical GIS).

Organized by Ludovic Moncla and Carmen Brando