3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Geospatial Humanities


Following the success of previous editions in 2017 and 2018, this workshop concerns with the use of geographic information systems and other spatial technologies in humanities research, placing a strong emphasis on new methodologies that leverage the aforementioned technical developments (e.g., the above-mentioned standard tools from geographic information systems, as well as more advanced methods such as text-based geographical analysis or spatial simulation, can all benefit from innovative approaches leveraging machine learning, parallel and/or distributed computation, semantic technologies, etc.). The workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from different sub-fields of computer science and the geographical information sciences, interested in the application of spatial methods and technology to the humanities, to discuss progress in the field. Participants will explore and demonstrate the contributions to knowledge that modern GIS technologies can enable within and beyond the digital humanities.
Organized by Bruno Martins, Ludovic Moncla and Patricia Murrieta-Flores